Face comparison of before and after Orthotropic treatment

Most orthodontists are taught how to use fixed appliances and few know about Orthotropics. 

Orthotropics can create better facial results than conventional orthodontics.

This new site is to meet the increasing demand for teaching and provision of Orthotropics. 

The Orthotropics Registry is of practitioners around the world that share this philosophy.

Portrait of John Mew

Introduction by John Mew

Practitioners can join the registry here:


The Gnathiometer is a FREE online tool for registered practitioners to accurately measure forward growth.

Gnathiometer before and afetr example picture

Forward Growth Orthotropics

Attractive Faces

Orthodontists have been straightening teeth for over one hundred years but have paid little attention to the appearance of the face which they believe can not be changed. Orthotropists believe that you can alter facial appearance and find room for crowded teeth without extractions or surgery. See the examples below.

In 1988 at the second annual symposium of the International Association of Facial Growth Guidance in Fort Worth, Texas, its mission statement was agreed as:

“This association represents all those clinicians and technicians who believe that ideal growth of the face and jaws is dependent on correct oral posture. Correct posture is defined as ‘the tongue resting against the palate, with the lips sealed and the teeth in or near contact”.

Orthotropic treatment requires a full understanding of the technique which needs considerable skill. All members listed on this site understand the philosophy and most of the clinicians can obtain as much as 10 millimetres of forward growth but only the qualified members have demonstrated that they can achieve more than 15 millimetres of forward growth. 25 to 30 millimetres will provide outstanding facial and dental results.

Before OrthotropicsAfter Orthotropics
Before OrthotropicsAfter Orthotropics